Mantra: Generate, Disseminate, Preserve Knowledge
Organizations can struggle to gain traction in an ever crowded marketplace. They can't decide. Should they invest in more marketing, better products or hiring? The truth? All of those things are important but, fail to move the needle. Many organizations focus on the things that can move them forward, instead of the things that hold them back.
Aari's Background Story
As a passionate polyglot and team player, I am fueled by my commitment to Equitable Holistic Design, with accessibility serving as my guiding light. Regardless of the brand or industry, design teams crave direction - a clear aim. This is why I emphasize the crucial role of requirements, providing scope, limitations, definitions, and goals.
Embracing Biophilic Design integration whenever possible, I employ inclusive methodologies to foster alignment within organizations and across diverse teams, ensuring assumptions are validated by real users.
I strongly believe that the subtle differences in our thinking can lead to truly dynamic solutions. It excites me to contribute to an industry that is always moving forward, and I bring with me a rich multicultural perspective. The opportunity to collaborate with seasoned professionals, who continually offer valuable insights, always fills me with anticipation.
Drawing from the synergy between nature, people, and ideas, I focus on iterating key insights to enhance the human experience. In the words of Siddhartha Gautama, "Pain is certain, suffering is optional." My work is to collaboratively ease pain points and refine key insights, making the human experience more bearable.
Diversify Your Thinking.